John Buckley

John Buckley

A writer and creative media producer, John explores the intersection of technology and human identity, leveraging AI tools for artistic and meaningful storytelling and delving into the ethical implications of a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Meta Title Cover Image

Meta Title

Wondering why some webpages catch your eye while others fade into obscurity? Meet one of SEO’s unsung hero— the highly underrated meta title. This guide will show you how to craft meta titles that turn heads AND gets fingers clicking. Table of Contents Why Bother? In a world where AI algorithms can write poetry and […]

Best AI Copywriting Tools Cover Image

AI Copywriting Tools

Imagine generating high-quality, market-ready copy in minutes. With the latest AI copywriting tools, this is now a reality. No more writer’s block. More time to spend refining and polishing your best ideas.  In this article, we’ll explore five leading AI content writing platforms. We’ll review their features and benefits and uncover how AI copywriting software […]

Best WordPress SEO Plugins Cover Image

All-in-One SEO Plugins

WordPress continues to be the king of content management systems, powering 45% of all known websites. Ensuring stellar on-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is critical in defining your search visibility and organic traffic. But, when even seasoned professionals find SEO complex, how do you ensure your site ranks well?  This guide will look at five of the […]

AI Marketing Tools Cover Image

AI Marketing Tools

Welcome to the era of personalized marketing, where AI is the standard, not an option. This article explores how 12 emerging AI tools revolutionize content creation, teamwork, and customer interaction. Let’s do a little deep learning! Table of Contents AI, the Catalysing Trend in Marketing In 2023, AI is already the pivotal technological disruptor of […]

Error 404 Blog Article Cover Image

Error 404 In-Depth

Error 404! We’ve all encountered one of these frustrating messages while surfing the web. You click on a link expecting to sail smoothly onto the next page and instead are greeted by the dreaded ‘404 Page Not Found’ message. Frustrating right? According to a comprehensive study by Ahrefs, since 2013, 66.5% of links from over […]

404 Page Design Cover Image

404 Page Design

The 404 page is likely the one page your readers are never supposed to encounter— a digital dead end that, paradoxically, offers a unique opportunity for reconnection. Even though the user’s arrival on a 404 page is always ‘unintended,’ stemming from a broken link or error, it presents a singular chance to showcase your brand’s […]

Best AI Image Generator Featured Image

The Best AI Image Generators

As 2023 unfolds, the AI image generation landscape is advancing quickly. The buzz around Dall.e 3.0’s imminent release is building, and enthusiasm is high for generative AI across creative and developer communities.  New tools are arriving weekly, and there’s never been a better time for you to get involved in the creative applications of AI. […]

a woman standing in front of a city with light trails

ChatGPT WordPress Plugins

Discover the top 5 ChatGPT WordPress plugins that are leading the AI revolution in content management. Enhance user engagement, streamline content, and transform your WordPress site with the power of AI.

the best website design software for 2020

AutoSEO: Your Content, Revitalized!

Supercharge Your Content With AutoSEO Welcome to the web-spun age, where sometimes, your content is fading even before your pixels are posted! Join us to discover how AutoSEO can effortlessly refresh old content, and rejuvenate your site so that it always looks its best. With a few simple steps, AutoSEO can breathe new life into […]